People do not buy from businesses. They buy from people. Knowing that, it is probably best I introduce myself as a person, not a business owner.
My name is Rachel. I am 38 years old. I was born in Germany, and grew up in Russia. I moved to Texas about 12 years ago and have never looked back. I love most everything about the state and could never see myself living anywhere else. I speak Russian and English (still working on this) and live with my 2 cats.
I have always loved cleaning. I suspect I learned this from my father as he was very good at cleaning and organizing.
Since I was 5, I insisted on cleaning our bathroom sinks, sweeping floors, etc. Later in school, I volunteered to clean our classrooms, and any other ares I could assist. I was not a fan of messes.
Most of my life, I worked in the law office and was housecleaning as a side project. One day, I realized that I wanted to change my career and follow my passion for cleaning. I started as a solo cleaner. However, after a few years, I had so many clients that I could not keep up. At this point, I realized I needed to start hiring. First attempts in hiring for my team did not go so great. There were times I was ready to throw in the towel but knew that giving myself an out was not an option. I had no choice but to become better at finding a team that held the same passions as I did. Today, I have a great team of like minded people who love to clean, love animals and have kind caring hearts. As a small business, we successfully survived the pandemic and, as of 2022, we are growing steadily. We were blessed to be given Nextdoor’s Neighborhood Favorite Cleaning Service award two years in a row.
In my free time, I love to camp in Texas’s amazing parks, yoga and horseback riding. These activities clear my mind and help me to stay centered.
This job is too hard to do it only for money. I am grateful for all my wonderful clients and for their continued support, Google reviews and referrals. We love serving our clients and are rewarded by making their lives better.